Tourism after COVID-19, Italian cruises restart with strengthened safety measures
As discussed among IORA Member States and dialogue partners on the occasion of the First Core Group on Tourism Meeting which took place virtually...
Professional careers in aquaculture
The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Development Cooperation, FEDERPESCA, an active member of the Italy-IORA Committee, will host the second webinar on skills...
Sustainable shipping: Fincantieri begins construction of Zeus, an experimental zero-emission ship
The green experimental ship ZEUS (Zero Emission Ultimate Ship), powered by fuel cell and the first of its kind in the world, will be...
IORA and EXPO Dubai at the Blue Sea Land in Mazara del Vallo
Blue Sea Land is one of the most important international events taking place in Sicily. Organised by the District of Fishing and Blue Growth,...
Italy at the 6th Indian Ocean Dialogue in New Delhi, as IORA dialogue partner
The Indian Ocean Dialogue (IOD) was instituted by IORA in 2013, to encourage open and free flowing discussions by key representatives of IORA Member...
Italy-IORA webinar on Developing Sustainable Cruise Tourism (21 October 2020)
The Italy-IORA webinar on Developing Sustainable Cruise Tourism took place virtually as part of the 11th edition of “Diplomacy - Festival della Diplomazia” on...
Impacts of Climate Change on Small States island developing countries
In New Delhi, the Center for Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries Science and Technology (NAM S&T Centre), in collaboration with IORA, will host a...
IORA Ambassadors welcomed by the Mayor of Tricase, meetings with IORA participants of the...
The Ambassadors of India, Indonesia, Malaysia, South Africa, Kenya, Somalia and Mozambique, accompanied by Director General Luca Sabbatucci and Árni Mathiesen, assistant to the...
An Italian scientific contribution to JIORS, the Journal of Indian Ocean Rim Studies
A paper on “The importance of Sustainability for Innovative Solutions Aimed at Solving the Pollution of the Oceans” was published in the Special Issue...
Sealogy: a virtual international event
Italy’s first trade fair entirely dedicated to the sea and its resources SEALOGY®, due to the current health emergency, decided to transfer this year’s...