Monthly Archives: May 2021

Kenya: strengthening sustainable blue economy

Kenya seems to be determined to improve its blue economy. The Construction of the Kenya Maritime headquarters in Mombasa is close to completion. Kenya...

Focus on Tanzania: investment opportunities in Tanzania’s Blue Economy

Mkinga District, Tanga region in Tanzania is a seaweed farming hub that is promising sea-related, blue economy activities to improve the lives of the...

IORA in Italy: an effective dialogue with IORA Ambassadors in Rome

As part of a fruitful partnership as IORA's dialogue partner, Italy organized on Tuesday May, 18th, a virtual meeting to create a discussion table...

Seychelles’ new initiative to boost the blue economy sector

Seychelles News Agency reports that Enterprise Seychelles Agency has started offering a series of training sessions about the blue economy sector. The aim of...

Hydrogen: an innovative and suitable solution for safeguarding oceans while powering multipurpose boats

ENR, together with established industrial and research partners such as FINCANTIERI, RINA and, CETENA, has been focusing on responding to the demand for a...

How to successfully invest in the blue economy sector in Africa

The national agendas of the African countries have been prioritizing the blue economy development since the 2012 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in...

The Union for the Mediterranean: a reality to be discovered

Union for the Mediterranean’s mission is to enhance regional cooperation, dialogue, and the implementation of projects and initiatives with tangible impact on our citizens,...