Monthly Archives: March 2022

A booklet for the IORA Silver Jubilee

For its Silver Jubilee, IORA has released a booklet in which it has entered all the projects and partnerships it has had over the...

International policy mechanisms to support blue forest protection and restoration

On 11 April IORA organizes a webinar on the protection and restoration of coastal ecosystems of blue carbon (mangrove forests, seagrass meadows and...

Wsense wins the Blueinvest Award

The Italian company Wsense which provides underwater internet solutions, today won the Blueinvest Award in Brussels, the award dedicated to innovation in the Blue...

IORA presents another program in the context of the Blue Economy

As part of the French Development Agency (AFD) funded technical assistance for the implementation of the IORA Action Plan on Fisheries, Aquaculture and the...

IMO Extraordinary Council Session discuss Black Sea and Sea of Azov

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has also raised questions within the International Maritime Organization (IMO), and in particular, on the initiatives to be...

Call for application to – COVID-19 and Climate Change: Prospects for a “Green” Recovery...

During the celebrations of IORA-Day 2022, Secretary-General H.E. Mr. Salman Al Farisi and Dr. Thomas Krimmel, Project Director for the German Agency for International...

Acquedotto Pugliese meets the ambassadors of the IORA countries in Rome

Acquedotto Pugliese is one of the major integrated water service companies in Italy and provides its services throughout the Apulian territory, from the Gargano...

Workshop “Moving toward the development and adoption of IORA Guidelines to prevent entry of...

On the island of Réunion, a hybrid format workshop will be held on 23 and 24 March. The theme will be on illegal and...

IORA Day 2022 ends with thanks to the Member States and the Dialogue Partners

The 25th anniversary of the birth of the IORA has just ended and on the Association's YouTube channel it is possible to see the...

Assoittica Survey on the Role of Women in the Italian Seafood Industry

Recently, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) asked what was the role of women in the fish supply chain, referring the investigation...