Recently, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) asked what was the role of women in the fish supply chain, referring the investigation to Assoittica. The research project aims to discover the degree of involvement of women in companies in the Italian fishing sector, their contribution, their different roles and their experiences, through a questionnaire that the protagonists themselves will fill in. The initiative will take the name of “Survey on the role of women in the Italian fish industry: focus on post-primary production“.

Assoittica, a member of the Italy-IORA Committee, brings together and represents more than 100 national companies, operating in whole or in part in the fishing sector. The activity of the association concerns the analysis and evaluation of EU provisions on food safety, environmental sustainability, commercial transactions and processing, informing the associates on the regulatory scenarios in the pipeline, as well as any initiative aimed at improving marketing and enhancement. of fish products, towards public opinion. The Secretary-General, Giuseppe di Palma, declared “With this project, through the FAO, we want to further enhance the decisive role of women, who in a strategic sector of the agri-food sector, precisely the Fish Industry acquires that connotated as a guarantee not only of ‘healthiness and quality of products but also for the rational management of natural resources with a projection towards a sustainable future for the new generations”.
Another member of the Italy-IORA Committee, as in the recent past Federpesca, carries on and supports the role of women through projects like these that seek to bring to light issues such as women empowerment and gender equality.