On the island of Réunion, a hybrid format workshop will be held on 23 and 24 March. The theme will be on illegal and irregular foreign and domestic fishing that undermines the sustainable management and exploitation of the world’s fish resources. A very important and always topical issue of Blue Economy. To know the whole program click HERE
The workshop is jointly organized by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the AFD and COFREPECHE, in collaboration with the IORA Secretariat.
All participants must confirm their participation by sending an email to blandine.pocquet@diplomatie.gouv.fr and charline.gaudin@cofrepeche.fr. All participants must also complete the registration form using this Link.
Kindly note that the registration of the participant will be considered as incomplete should there be any missing information.
The deadline for nomination of participants and submission of registration forms is 14th March 2022.
A few days before the meeting, a Zoom link will be sent to the registered participants by email to the address provided in the registration form.
For the smooth running of the meeting, participants are requested to keep their microphones off when they are not speaking. They will be able to raise their hand to ask for the floor during the discussion sessions.