For its Silver Jubilee, IORA has released a booklet in which it has entered all the projects and partnerships it has had over the years. Among the many activities carried out in recent years in the Blue Economy sectors, the Organization wanted to mention, within this publication, the work carried out by some of the members of the Italy-IORA committee. In particular, in the paragraph “Science and Technology as key factors for IORA countries role at worldwide level” the work carried out by ENR – National Research and Promotion Body for Standardization, with the collaboration of FINCANTIERI, with the creation of the zero-emission ship “Zeus“, recently presented also at Expo Dubai in the “Two Oceans, one challenge” event thanks, among others, to the work of the President of ENR, Prof. Francesco Beltrame.

Another major issue for which IORA has always had a great deal of attention over the years is the fishing sector. In the paragraph “Technical assistance for the creation of masterplans for sustainable fishing in IORA countries” mention is made of the work carried out by IORA with another member of the Committee, Federpesca, for the organization of masterplans in the fishing sector. The document includes an overview of the current situation, knowledge and opportunities in fish stocks and the potential impacts of climate change on stock/migration and other central themes related to fisheries and aquaculture.
To read the entire booklet click Here