Women’s Economic Empowerment in Fisheries, an IORA event with participation by CIHEAM Bari for...
An IORA online event on Women's Economic Empowerment in Fisheries in the Indian Ocean Rim was held on September 28th 2020 with the intervention...
Tourism after COVID-19, Italian cruises restart with strengthened safety measures
As discussed among IORA Member States and dialogue partners on the occasion of the First Core Group on Tourism Meeting which took place virtually...
Italy attends the IORA First Core Group on Tourism Meeting (CGT)
The First Core Group on Tourism Meeting took place virtually onMonday, 31 August 2020. It was chaired by Mr Abdulla Saleh Bin Saleh Al...
WestMed initiative online event (25-26 June 2020) with participation from the IORA Secretariat
Within the WestMED Assistance Mechanism for Blue Growth and Blue Economy, the National Hub Italy - an active member of the Italy IORA Committee,...
Assoittica, one of the main Italy-IORA Committee members, and the launch of the a...
The Italy- IORA committee member Assoittica Italia signed the memorandum of understanding “Dal mare alla tavola attraverso le ragazze e i ragazzi degli Istituti...
An Italian scientific contribution to JIORS, the Journal of Indian Ocean Rim Studies
A paper on “The importance of Sustainability for Innovative Solutions Aimed at Solving the Pollution of the Oceans” was published in the Special Issue...
Italy at the 6th Indian Ocean Dialogue in New Delhi, as IORA dialogue partner
The Indian Ocean Dialogue (IOD) was instituted by IORA in 2013, to encourage open and free flowing discussions by key representatives of IORA Member...
Italy participates as dialogue partner in the first meeting of the IORA Working Group...
The first meeting of the IORA Working Group on Blue Economy (WGBE) took place on 5-6 December in Mauritius, home of the Indian Ocean...
Roundtable in Rome on “Blue economy and Italy-IORA collaboration: the decarbonisation of maritime transport”
An Italy-IORA roundtable was held on 21 October 2019 in Rome at the Confitarma headquarters, dedicated to the theme "Blue economy and Italy-IORA collaboration:...
IORA and EXPO Dubai at the Blue Sea Land in Mazara del Vallo
Blue Sea Land is one of the most important international events taking place in Sicily. Organised by the District of Fishing and Blue Growth,...