This project aims at organizing a two day International Workshop on the topic “Role of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals – 2030”; to deliberate on the role of STI in achieving SDGs in NAM S&T Centre and IORA Member Countries, and to discuss the dynamics of the STI System as well as the challenges and opportunities in accelerating STI-driven development in the developing world. In this connection, besides the application of various sectors of Science and Technology, the importance of using available data into useful information for better decision making by NAM S&T Centre and IORA Member Countries for policy formulation, and efficient management of resources, transforming economies and saving lives, etc. will also be discussed during the Workshop. Further, the scope of application of Artificial Intelligence in various sectors of economy in IORA Member Countries, such as Blue Economy and Tourism, especially Underwater Maritime Tourism will be explored. For the complete program click HERE

Researchers, scientists, academicians, policymakers (government officials and parliamentarians), international organizations NGOs and private investors will be invited to participate in the Workshop to promote Academia-Industry interaction and Public-Private Partnerships in achieving SDGs in Indian Ocean Rim Region. The following issues are proposed to be addressed:

1) Means of implementation of the SDGs in Emerging Economies, LDCs and Small Island Developing Countries (SIDC) in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR);

2) Knowledge access for the developing economies on the relevant technologies available for achieving SDGs;

3) Capacity building of participating countries for sustainable implementation and related social innovation to make progress in this field;

4) Barriers to technology transfer such as high cost of transition towards environmentally sustainable societies and economies, in the context of South-South

Science, Technology & Innovation (STI) is an important driver for increased productivity and value addition that stimulates the growth and competitiveness of a nation. Application of STI is necessary for enabling and accelerating the global transformation towards prosperous, inclusive and environmentally sustainable economies in developing and developed countries alike. In the context of the SDG framework, the implementation of the Goals is replete with a number of challenges for which a close collaboration between the policymakers, S&T communities and other development professionals and stakeholders is indispensable. For effective implementation of most of the 17 SDGs and achieving the set targets, it is
necessary that STI has to be directly and indirectly applied with the appropriate focus, especially in the emerging economies, LDCs and SIDCs. This workshop will thus facilitate exchange of information and expertise on application of STI for sustainable development in IORA and NAM S&T Centre Member Countries and will help and empower people to build an enabling environment with better access to education and public services, as well as regarding technologies and innovation with direct benefits for people. The project will also improve and promote access to education and training by women in
Science and Technology.

The Workshop will be organized in Virtual Mode (Through Zoom or similar Online Platform) in partnership between the NAM S&T Centre and IORA Secretariat. and North-South Cooperation and will take place on 24 and 25 May. To participate you need to fill out the application form which you can download HERE. The deadline to register for the IORA Member States and Dialogue Partners expires on May 16th

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