Pacific Island countries have shared their state of readiness regarding the mandatory operation of the Maritime Single Window (MSW) as of January 2024. A MSW enables the digitized exchange of necessary information on the arrival of ships in a port, their stay and their departure.

At the 45th annual general meeting of the Pacific Maritime Transport Alliance Conference (PMTA), held in Honiara, Solomon Islands, from 11th to 13th July, a representative of the Pacific Community (SPC) introduced the Pacific Ports Vision 2030-2050. Representatives of Fiji, Solomon Islands and Tonga updated participants on their preparations to implement their MSWs. During the conference there is an important panel discussion on ‘Maritime Single Window – Are we ready? Benefits and challenges of implementation of MSW in the Pacific‘, Julian Abril, representing IMO, explained the obligations and opportunities of implementing MSW in ports around the world. The discussion was moderated by the Secretary-General of the International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH), Dr. Masahiko Furuichi.
Pascal Olivier, chair of the Data Collaboration Committee of the IAPH, explained the recommended process for countries to implement a RSU: first phase, establish an adequate legal framework; second phase, carry out a correct analysis of the company processes; and third stage, implementation of technical solutions. Representatives of the Japan Agency for International Cooperation (JICA) also attended the event.
(Fonte: IMO)