In the Italian Pavilion, at Expo Dubai 2022, during the Water Week, March 22nd, Acquedotto Pugliese, the largest Italian water company, confirming its strong vocation for sustainability, announced the first winner of the 10.000 Euro Water for Life Award, assigned to the internationally renowned Andri Snær Magnason, Icelandic writer, intellectual, scientific popularizer, environmental activist, author of the recent book “Time and water“, a careful reflection on the environment and the future of the Earth. The award ceremony, organized by Acquedotto Pugliese with the collaboration of the Puglia Region, was conducted by the Italian journalist Carmen Lasorella.

“It is the first time that a prize of this kind has been established – remarks with pride the President of AQP, Domenico Laforgia – and the idea of an international sustainability award arises precisely from the desire of Acquedotto Pugliese to enhance and give impetus to all the initiatives, fruit of the commitment of personalities, institutions and associations, which can contribute to spreading the culture of sustainable development, with particular reference to the protection and enhancement of the water resource“. The Regional Councilor for the Environment, Anna Grazia Maraschio added: “Puglia is constantly working on sustainable development, also investing in innovation and research. The themes of climate change and environmental sustainability have become central to any development strategy. We are investing significantly on environmental protection and the occasion of Expo Dubai is of strategic importance. We must not forget the current world crisis, which is linked to energy and digital transitions and other transformations that today, more than ever, require a strong commitment of Institutions, citizens and businesses“
“For Acquedotto Pugliese, the participation in the Water Week in the context of Expo Dubai represents a symbolic moment to share a common vision about a sustainable future and international projects of collaboration – commented the General Manager of Aqp, Francesca Portincasa -. The company is sustainable in its original DNA, with regards to the technical but also the social aspects, primarely health, well-being and the prosperity of the territories where we operate. The institution of the Water for life AQP Award is a sign of the company’s sensitivity to recognizing excellence. We have choosen to reward a writer from Iceland, a country far away from our region, because we want to show our appreciation for a man very concerned about the future of the world and an inspiration for all of us. The Award demonstrates how art and culture can help guiding science and technology to respect natural resources for the benefit of future generations. During the presentation done in Dubai, it was important for us to tell the world the complex history and actual reality of the Apulian Aqueduct. With the Emirates, our land have in common the scarcity of water resources and the need to respect and use them well till the last drop, without any waste. In the technical meetings that our delegation had with the Abu Dhabi water authorities, particular interest was raised by the theme of water reuse and the possibility of sharing knowledge by making know-how and technical experiences available within our Water Academy in Bari, the city where our headquarter opened over 120 years ago“.