In the new headquarters of the Darwin Dohrn Museum in Naples on 26 and 27 May WestMed, with the collaboration of other members of the Italy-IORA Committee and the participation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Department for policies di Coesione, organizes a convention on “BLUE Accelerators and Incubators – the main challenge of the Italian Blue Economy“
In the Italian ecosystem, national and regional maritime clusters can represent suitable counterparties to mitigate risks for Accelerators, Incubators, Investors, Managing Authorities and Fund Managers, in identifying the most deserving initiatives, in a systemic supply chain of support to innovation, new entrepreneurship and employment. The two-day event organized by WestMed with the support of the Dohrn Foundation will also see the opportunity to visit the newly opened Museum (for any further info about the museum click here)
It is possible to participate in the event by registering on the site by clicking HERE. To download the event program click HERE.