From 27th August until 4th September Formia will host the Med Blue Economy, a Festival dedicated to the Blue Economy themes and organized by Consorzio Industriale del Lazio and Comune di Formia with the partnership, between others, of Regione Lazio and Roma Capitale. In this week they will talk about: Circular economy, green companies and, above all, water protection.

This event opened with a conference titled “A sea to saved” in which Paola Carnevale, chief of scientific research of Green Economy and green companies Sea Tuscia University of Viterbo, said “The Med Blue Economy is an important moment of confrontation between companies and the scientific sector. Our intention is to combine the green color (the green Economy) with the blue color (the Blue Economy). We want to combine these two aspects which, at first, may seem synonymous but are not. The role of businesses in this concept is much broader and provides for their direct involvement with the social sustainability of businesses. The first step to take, however, is to develop a project for the rejuvenation of a production system that, today, is no longer in step with the times. We must start with the modernization of production processes through the involvement of people, understood as professional skills“

A Med Village will also be set up in the pine forest of Vindicio, where every evening, at 9 pm, 10 pm and 11 pm, it is possible to admire the spectacle of the water screen, which comes to life with the combination of video projections.