The President (South Africa) of the Indian Ocean Rim Academic Group (IORAG) has announced that the 28th IORAG meeting will be held on 26-27 September 2023 in South Africa.

Among the main topics that will be treated we will talk about: increase scientific knowledge, develop research capacity, and transfer technologies, among research and development institutions and academics.

This first objective will see steps that will be envisaged with short, medium and long-term initiatives such as: aligning the work program of the IORA-Regional Center for Science and Technology (RCSTT) with the work plan of the working group on science, technology and innovation and vice versa (WGSTI); and also to establish a common understanding among IORA on academic and scientific matters through practical consultation and coordination among member states on science, technology and innovation (STI); or we will try to create centers of excellence and scientific networks.

However, the program of the works that will be dealt with is still being outlined.

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