Third appointment with the IORA Workshop organized in Bali entitled “Development of IORA Declaration on Combatting Marine Debris and a Strategic Framework of Action on Marine Debris in the Indian Ocean“. On the dates of Wednesday and Thursday (28 and 29 September) Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the GIZ (Germany Agency for International Cooperation), as part of the implementation of IORA Working Group on Blue Economy’s (WGBE) Action Plan on combating marine debris in the Indian Ocean organized this workshop.
The general objective set by IORA for the switchboard is to minimize waste generation on land, thus reducing the amount of plastic waste entering rivers and oceans developing joint strategies and actions for:
• Develop a marine debris strategy framework that ranges from land-based via waterway-based (rivers) to sea-based (fishing activities/ghost net) pollution sources;
● Support the initiation and implementation of pilot projects on policy advice, capacity building, technological cooperation and investments;
● Develop and implement strategies to reduce the amount of waste and thus plastic waste;
● Promote the regional exchange of knowledge and experiences in waste management, circular economy and marine litter;
● Enhance collaboration in combatting marine pollution;
● Exchange information and share knowledge on monitoring of marine debris and its impact to the ocean.
For further info about Draft framework click HERE