The Secretariat of the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) has the honour to refer to the upcoming 32nd Meeting of the IORBF which will be held virtually on Monday, 20 January 2025, at 10:00 (Mauritian time – GMT+4).

We will talk about the IORA Working Group on Women’s Economic Empowerment (WGWEE) which includes the creation of an IORA Women’s Entrepreneurial Forum in the IORBF. In line with the objectives of the WGWEE, the IORA Women’s Business Forum will seek to support and empower women, including by supporting initiatives in line with the principles of women’s empowerment. This includes training and capacity building activities and strengthening women’s economic capacity and participation in businesses. To facilitate the creation of the Women’s Business Forum, a concept note and terms of reference will be developed in collaboration with the WGWEE, following discussion with IORBF members. For further information click HERE

Registration: Please register for the virtual meeting through the below link by 13 January 2025. Further details on the virtual meeting will be communicated closer to the date of the meeting. The IORA Secretariat itself of this opportunity to renew to the IORA Member States, Dialogue Partners, and Indian Ocean Rim Business Forum (IORBF) Focal Points the assurances of its highest consideration.

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