This year a small IORA delegation also landed at the 64th edition of the Genoa Boat Show, the most important sector fair in Europe. Representing her was: Dr. Zelda Vrolick, Director Responsible for the Academic Science and Technology Cooperations, and Tourism and Cultural Exchanges Priority Areas, H.E Ambassador of Malaysia Zahid Bin Tan Sri Rastam that rappresent one of the Country Members, Shakeel Kudrolli and Zia Hajeebhoy, founder and managing director of AQUASAIL, from India.

The presence of IORA at the fair is due to the collaboration of Italy as Dialogue Partner of the organization. In fact, with the support of the MAECI, represented by the IORA Focal Point for Italy, Cons. Eugenio Sgrò, the delegation met companies and had the opportunity to meet some representatives including Confindustria Nautica and Federazione del Mare; represented by Laurence Martin, General Secretary Of Sea Federation. With the latter, a Round Table was held, in which the enormous development potential of the Indian Ocean coasts in terms of coastal tourism, boats and much more was discussed. The delegation then moved to the Lazio Region stand, where it had the opportunity to introduce itself to some Lazio companies that deal with various sectors of the Blue Economy.

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